Be Mine: A Collection of Short & Steamy Romances


Working as the Director of Operations at Ultimate Street Rally is a dream come true. Great pay? Check. Travel the world? Check. Sexy boss? Check. Oops, did I say the last part out loud?! Well, it’s true. And honestly, he never needs to know. But while I love my job, it’s been hell on my dating life. Being on the road for months at a time doesn’t allow me much time for dating. And to make matters worse, the dates I’ve actually went on were total duds, so I’ve given up on men at the moment. But then everything changes when a surprise is thrown my way and I can’t resist.


As the C.E.O of Ultimate Street Rally, I love what I’ve built from the ground up. But I’m so busy, I have no time to date. And did I mention that I’m sort of famous? For years, I was a champion motocross rider. And because of this, women seek me out all the time. But the women who throw themselves at me never interest me. Why? Because I’m secretly lusting after Alex, my Director of Operations. She’s everything those other women are not. I know she’s off limits and I try to keep my filthy thoughts to myself, I really do. But it’s too much when she starts to flirt with me, so I flirt right back. Two can play that game. With a bet and a handshake, we’ll speed toward the finish line—winning each other’s hearts.


I’ve been in a committed relationship for five years. I love Calum deeply, with every breath I take. Cal is an alpha and can be a bit possessive, but not in a bad way. I’m his and he makes sure everyone knows it.

We’ve never cheated on each other and never will. Our relationship is perfect. Or it was, until I met Bastien.

Bas is patient, kind, and caring. He knows my deepest desires and has awakened a side of me that I’d hidden away, even from Cal.

What is my deepest desire? I desire two men. I don’t know how Bas knows, but he does. And he challenges me to accept it. I know he wants me, but won’t make a move until we have Cal’s approval.

And there is my dilemma. How do you tell the man you love that you desire another man? And that you don’t want to lose either of them?

Avery Turner. Pharmacist and all-around nice person. And someone who never does bad things—until now. I didn’t even know I was doing it, I swear. What did I do? Well, I groped my high school crush, Kane Bishop, while I was sleeping. Then, I woke up. I didn’t mean to fall asleep in his arms, have a really hot dream about him, and then act out my dream on the poor man. The worst part? He didn’t even stop me…

Kane Bishop. Ski stuntman extraordinaire. I let Avery into my cabin one snowy night. She fell asleep in my arms and must have had a really good dream since she didn’t even know she was groping me. There’s a first time for everything—but I’m hoping it won’t be the last time she puts her hands all over me.

A glimpse of red satin and the shimmer of blonde hair is all I manage to see before she disappears…

That fateful night, I’m standing there, ready for the event to be over with. But as I’m about to make my escape, I feel a female body brush against me, sending a lightning bolt of desire racing through my core. As she walks away, her scent envelops me and I have to stifle a groan. Even though it was mere seconds, she affects me in a way I can’t explain.

I want her. No, I need her.

My eyes land on her as she walks away, and I can’t help but appreciate her curves, especially in that dress. I watch as she disappears into the crowd, her hips swaying back and forth. I try to catch up to her, but it's no use—she’s gone. I’m inexplicably drawn to her, like a moth to a flame.

I don't know who she is, but she's mine. She just doesn’t know it yet.

But, first things first. I need to find her. How hard can it be? I'm a professional hockey player; I've got connections. She's just one woman.

And I will find her. Then, she’s mine.